Today’s databases vs. Java – New roadshow for JUGs

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Impedance mismatch! Java, today’s databases and in-memory technologies are incompatible. What the consequences are and how MicroStream solves this problem is subject to our new roadshow Ultra-fast Java In-Memory Database Applications with MicroStream in 2020. This event is specially baked for Java User Groups worldwide and will take place in many cities or as a JUG online meetup.

Unbeatable Java Performance

Java is the best technology for developing unbeatably fast database apps. With object graphs, Java provides the perfect data structure. Even high complex data models can be created. In addition to that, with Streams API Java provides a powerful, type-safe query language. By using parallel streams, searching even high complex object graphs with a huge amount of data usually takes only microseconds, while databases need milliseconds for the same result. Thus, Java is up to 1,000 times faster than today’s RDBMS and NoSQL databases and even up to 100 times faster than direct cache accesses. With GraalVM and Quarkus, even native applications and fastest startup times are now possible. The only thing missing in Java is a native function to store data.

Impedance Mismatch

As is well known, we use external database systems to store data persistently. However, databases work completely different from Java. We are forced to use totally different data structures, proprietary query languages and functions, including transactions, triggers, stored procedures, user administration, session management, import/export interfaces.

In consequence:

  • expensive mappings
  • lots of computing time required
  • slow queries
  • slow cache accesses
  • lots of performance issues
  • low customer experience (CX)
  • high complexity through abstractions and frameworks (JPA)
  • high development and testing effort
  • high costs in total

And all this just because we want to store data?

MicroStream – Database development with Pure-Java

MicroStream is the first Java-native approach to store data with Java. For the first time, any Java object graphs can be stored natively on disk, which means just as they are managed by the JVM in RAM.

This concept has fantastic benefits for Java developers:

  • no more external database systems required
  • no expensive mappings
  • no ORM framework required
  • no additional data caches required

The end result is an ultra-fast pure Java in-memory database application. MicroStream is a tiny Java library that can be included in any Java project via Maven. Queries are up to 1,000 times faster than today’s database systems and up to 100 times faster than any data cache. Core Java concepts only. And implementing is simple.

Live Demo: unbraked JVM power vs databases

MicroStream vs RDBMS + JPA + Cache

In an exciting live demo, we will show how fast Java is in comparison to today’s database systems and in-memory caches and how different JVMs and garbage collectors affect performance. In the following live coding, we will demonstrate how the development of ultra-fast in-memory database applications with pure Java and MicroStream works.

After the presentation, detailed Q&A and discussions are possible and desired.



45 – 90 minutes, depending on the JUG’s agenda


Markus Kett, CEO MicroStream
Florian Habermann, CTO MicroStream
Christian Kümmel, Developer Advocate MicroStream



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