EclipseStore Kick-Start Days 2024


12 June in Ratingen, Germany
19 June in London, UK
20 June in Prague, Czech Republic
26 June in Munich, Germany

EclipseStore enables you to search and filter data in-memory in microseconds by using Core Java features only – up to 1000x faster than traditional databases. Data can be stored in any binary data storage such as plain files or cloud BLOB storage such as AWS S3 which is up to 96% cheaper than any database in the cloud. 

At our EclipseStore Kick-Start Days you will learn everything you have to know about how EclipseStore works, how you get started coding, what great use-cases are, pros and cons, and you can ask all of your technical questions to the people who wirte the framework code.


9:00 Registration

10:00 Introduction to EclipseStore

11:30 Get Started Coding – Part 1

– Create an in-memory database

– Designing a proper Java object model 

– CRUD operations

– Searching and filtering with Java Streams

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Getting Started Coding – Part 2

– Using lazy-loading at smaller RAM sizes

– Schema changes by using legacy type mapping

– Backup strategies 

– EclipseStore Add-On’s: Indexing, asynchronuous persistence for high write performance

15:00 Distributed EclipseStore apps & microservices

16:00 Best Practices & Q&A

17:00 Finish


Florian Habermann, CTO at MicroStream
Markus Kett, CEO at MicroStream
Christian Kuemmel, MicroStream Cluster Team Lead at MicroStream

Conference Hotel. You will receive the address after your registration.

Participation Fee: 
0.00 EUR
Food, snacks, coffee and soft drinks included

Note: Capacity is limited to 30 seats max. First come, first serve.


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