Databaseless In-Memory Data Processing

High-Frequency In-Memory Data Processing to Meet Highest Requirements on Enterprise Business Applications.

Up to 1000 Times Faster than Conventional Database Systems. Databaseless BLOB Storage Saves Up to 96% Database Costs in the Cloud. 

MicroStream Provides Enterprise-Grade EclipseStore. 
Latest Version: EclipseStore 1.3.2


EclipseStore            Code on GitHub 

Ultra-fast In-Memory Data Processing

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Lowest Data Storage Costs in the Cloud

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Revolutionary Simple Implementation

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Open Source


High-performance Java persistence for monolithic Java applications. Runs embedded  on single server nodes and on Android mobile and edge devices.

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 EclipseStore Add-On's

MicroStream Enterprise Edition

Ultra-fast indexing for searching billions of objects in milliseconds, fully automated lazy-loading, asynchronous non-blocking writes, recovery tooling, and enterprise-grade support for EclipseStore. 

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Distributed EclipseStore Applications

MicroStream Cluster

Build distributed EclipseStore monoliths and microservices that need load balancing, data redundency, replication, high-availability, elastic scalability and scale-to-zero. Available as SaaS and On-Premise.

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High-Secure Java Serialization 

Eclipse Serializer

Eliminate deserialization attacks, the biggest securty flaw of Java, and build systems with the highest demands on security.

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Frameworks using EclipseStore
University of Bamberg, Germany
Department of Applied Computer Science


MicroStream vs. JPA:
An Empirical Investigation

This work empirically assessed the performance of MicroStream (now EclipseStore) by implementing two applications. The first one is a modified version of MicroStream’s BookStore performance demo app. The second app is an OLTP system based on the TPC-C benchmark specification. The results shows that MicroStream is up to 427 times faster


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  • University of Bamberg, Germany
    Department of Applied Computer Sciences Guido Wirtz, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Boehm, Master of Science Johannes Manner, M.Sc. Applied Computer Sciences Benedikt Full
  • Publisher: Springer International Publishing AG
  • Chapter length: 20 pages

EclipseStore is an Integral Part of Helidon & Micronaut

We are proud to be an integral part of and contribute to leading microservice frameworks. We are happy to deliver value to the Java open source community.


Micronaut provides first-class support for EclipseStore. MicroStream is a major sponsor of the Micronaut Open Source project.


Helidon was the first microservice framework that supports EclipseStore. Both Helidon flavours, Helidon MP and SE provide a great EclipseStore integration. Helidon is a leading microservice framework for Java, powered by Oracle.

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InfoQ Dev Summit 2024

Sep 26 - 27 in Munich, Germany

Join the Markus Kett's talk 'Ultra-Fast In-Memory Database Applications with Java', SEP 26 at 1:30 PM, Ballroom BC

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IBM TechXChange

October 21-24 in Las Vegas, US

Join Markus Kett's talk ‘Unlocking Dramatic Savings: Optimize your App and Database Footprint with Serverless Java’, Session #2281.

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