MicroStream 2.2 is now available!


We are happy to announce, that we have launched MicroStream 2.2. This minor release is the last update before the upcoming major release MicroStream 3 scheduled for April, 2020. Here are the most relevant changes:



We have replaced all provisional RuntimeExceptions with either PersistenceException or StorageException, depending on the architectural level the corresponding source code it located.


Root handling concept

The two technically different root handling concepts default and custom have been consolidated in a way that they are the same on the API level and interchangeable, meaning no more confusion with those root exception messages.


Transient fields

All entity fields of type transient EmbeddedStorageManager now get a reference to the used EmbeddedStorageManager instance set upon loading/updating.



The interfaces around storage managing have been enhanced so that it is now equally valid to just write StorageManager instead of EmbeddedStorageManager. An EmbeddedStorageManager is a StorageManager.


Lazy references

Slight technical consolidation of Lazy reference handling caused the type Lazy to be moved from the package one.microstream.persistence.lazy to one.microstream.reference. The reason is that the lazy handling has actually no inherent connection to persistence or storage. It’s actually just a generic concept that can be used by those layers. Migration Guide …


Changelog since version 2.1

Getting started with MicroStream 2.2

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