Online-Course: MicroStream Getting Started Coding – Free!


Saturday, December 10, 2020 | 18:00 – 21:00 CET – Live
Online-Course: MicroStream Getting Started Coding – Free!
Markus Kett, CEO at MicroStream
Florian Habermann, CTO at MicroStream

MicroStream is a fundamentally new persistence framework for storing complex Java object graphs, subgraphs, and single objects. Database-specific data models become meaningless for Java. No more expensive mappings. No more data-type conversion. No more specific query language. Queries executed in microseconds, up to 1000x faster than JPA queries. Only one data model: Your Java classes (POJOs). No more complex caching layer. No more inconvenient object copies.  Simple and clean architecture. Core-Java features instead of database-specific concepts. The end result is a Java in-memory database app or microservice that is ultra-fast. In this online course, you will learn how to get started with MicroStream step by step. After a brief introduction to MicroStream, we will start coding.

After the course, we will introduce the new MicroStream roadmap and announce exciting new features.

This course is part of our MicroStream Hackathon program and free of charge.


Register for free and join course
Meeting-ID: 854 2320 5793

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