Release of MicroStream version 7.1


The focus of this minor release is the availability of all connector as open-source, CDI and Spring Boot integration and the optimisation of the internal householding processes.

The version number of this release is 07.01.00-MS-GA.

This version 7.1 is still compiled against JDK 8 and can be used with Java 8 and higher versions.

All connectors are open-source

Until now, the open-source version contained only a limited set of connectors that could be used as a data target. Within this release, we also added all connectors that were previously only available with an enterprise subscription.  Anyone can choose now from all the available connectors.

Connectors that  were already available previously

  • File System (Java NIO using directories and files)
  • Databases supporting PostgreSQL, MariaDB and SQLLite

The following list is now added

  • Oracle and SAP HANA Database
  • Cloud storage (AWS S3, Azure Storage, Google Firestore, Oracle Object Storage)
  • Other (Hazelcast, Kafka, Redis, DynamoDB, Oracle Coherence)

Have a look at our upcoming blog that goes deeper into the Cloud storage possibilities.

Data Channel Garbage Collection

When we store instances, changes are stored through the channels in a binary format so that the content of the Root object can be recreated when you start the application again.

Without any action, this storage will grow over time and also keep old data that is no longer relevant. Therefore, the householding process cleans out this storage and removes data that is no longer needed. This process is active by default, you as a developer don’t need to do anything.

In previous versions, you could additionally activate the storage GC process (similar to the JVM GC) that clears out unneeded data more rapidly than the standard householding process. Thus reducing the amount of storage required to keep all your data.

With the fix of an important issue that could corrupt the storage, we believe that this Storage GC is now ready for production. Thus it is activated by default from this version onward.

In case you want to disable it, use the following statement before the StorageManager is started.



Runtime integrations

The integration that uses CDI and MicroProfile Config that was introduced in version 7.0 has been reworked significantly. We added the possibility to customise the EmbeddedStorageFoundation and initialise the StorageManager (by assigning default values in your root object, for example) easily through some CDI beans.

We have improved the possibility to define multiple storage managers through the MicroProfile Config support and included various other smaller improvements.

We also discovered that the CDI interceptor linked to @Store can lead to exceptions in write-heavy with high concurrency applications. So we have decided to remove it.

Look at the upcoming blog that describes the new functionality of the integrations.

Spring Boot integration

The customisation and initialisation functionality that was described for the Jakarta – MicroProfile integration, is also made available for the Spring Boot integration which is already available since version 5.1.

The idea is that all our integrations will have the same functionality and work identical (as far as that is possible for the supported framework)

The updated Spring Boot integration will also be described in the upcoming blog about the integrations.

Also, keep an eye on our future release that will contain more functionality like support for the MicroStream caching functionality and support for Quarkus to name a few.

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