EclipseStore 1.1 is Out

Markus Kett

After we released EclipseStore 1.0 in November 2023, we didn’t spend too much time celebrating, but instead started working on the next features. With version 1.1 we provide the first update. The new release comes with brand-new features and some remaining modules from the previous MicroStream open source project.


By utilizing the Java Management Extensions (JMX) framework, EclipseStore provides a means of monitoring. It can be used with the monitoring tools of your choice.
Metrics like lazy references, memory consumption, storage statistics and many more are exposed. JMX provides a standardized way for monitoring, controlling, and managing Java applications and services, their resources, performance, and configuration. It was designed to facilitate the management of Java applications in distributed environments without the need of modifying the code.

Improved Housekeeping

EclipseStore provides a powerful houskeeping function that constantly reorganizes and optimizes the storage behind the scenes to ensure optimal performance, reliability, and robustnes. Most important aspects where houskeeping is relevant are object lifecycle management and garbage collection of unreferenced or obsolete objects in the storage to free up disk space. New: The use of an adaptive housekeeping controller will increase the time budgets on demand if the garbage collector needs more time to reach the sweeping phase.


EclipseStore 1.1 comes with a Spring Boot 3 integration for configuration, logging, locking and storage manager injection to make using EclipseStore with Spring Boot 3 more convenient.

EclipseStore Is Now a JCache Provider

EclipseStore now provides a JCache (JSR-107) implementation, optionally backed by EclipseStore Storage. JCache is a standard API for caching in Java. It provides a set of common interfaces and behaviour for caching. Here are some scenarios where EclipseStore used as a JCache can be beneficial:

  • Performance improvements of traditional JPA applications,
  • frequently used data that are not expected to change frequently such as reference data, configuration settings or other static information
  • Temporary storage mechanism for holding data that is epensive to compute or fetch,
  • Caching the results of JPA queries
  • Session data caching to reduce the load on the session storage and improving the response-time of the application

EclipseStore’s underlying serialization Eclipse Serializer and storage can be utilized to get the best out of caches. For example, you are not limited to types, when storing a value. That means every key-value pair gets copied every time you put and get entries in and out of a cache. If a cache is used with a backing store, EclipseStore’s storage can be used to get the best possible performance. And now, EclipseStore, being a JCache provider, you can use it as a drop-in replacement in your existing JPA application.

Simple Network Communication

EclipseStore provides a module for simple object-based network communication over TCP connections. This module utilizes the Eclipse Serializer engine to serialize and deserialize Java objects and provides additional APIs to set up the required TCP connections.

Other minor improvements like the update of the REST client interface to the latest Vaadin version, the serialization support for Throwable, and bug fixes complete this release. The only two still remaining modules of the previous MicroStream project, Quarkus and CDI integrations, will be ported and released with the upcoming EclipseStore version 1.2.

Please, Promote & Support US

If you like and use EclipseStore, please star us on GitHub. GitHub Stars are the greatest recognition and currency for an open source project. It shows that developers like what we’re doing and this motivates us to continue working on eclipsestore with full enthusiasm. We are also very happy about mentions on blogs, in comments, articles and talks at conferences and user group meetups.


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